Tuesday, April 26, 2016

SPRING BREAK or "The Teacher Strikes Back"

Spring break was very much needed for me, my students and my coworkers.  March is often a very long month as we all emerge from winter, and the week off in April provides that renewal and refreshment that sustains you until June.

During my spring break I had the opportunity to have some real fun adventures!  It started with a BANG as I hosted yet another fantastic (and I think arguably the largest) Taco Thursday.  The next day, I left for Maine early after I got off work and rocked a nap until the rest of the gang showed up at our lake house.  The rest of my weekend in Maine consisted of wine, donuts, and my snuggly neice and nephew.  So dang cute.  
Come Monday, I found myself back in Boston for the Marathon.  My friend invited us over, because she lives with her fiance on the marathon route.  We gathered then, then eventually made it to a pub in Cleveland Circle where I ran into a trainer at my gym, whose group was leaving their tables, sooooo we got a sweet spot right at the open air windows!  

SCORE!  I also promise this guy to plug his koozy product.  He makes koozies with handles and koozie backpacks.  I agreed, after wishing him luck on Shark Tank, with my friend's idea that he should focus on the backpack, but hey, dude's gotta follow his dream.  

Next, fast forward to Tuesday!  I got my nails did, my hair dyed (I LOVE IT) and then went to go see WEIRD SCIENCE at the local community theater in Cambridge.  Let's just say it was so good that my bucket list may have gained another item:  use ancient technology to bring to life my own Lisa.  
Nah, just kidding!  I did get many Halloween costume ideas.  I'll store them in the costume vault.

Wednesday was EVEN better!  I hosted my very own paint night!  I setup paints, canvases, brushes and about half a case of wine for about five or six of my close friends.  I led them through all the steps to painting a cute little Boston skyline. 
 This was all after an afternoon watching after my two-year-old niece and infant nephew.  I don't know how I survived, but I did.  Oh - yeah, they lived, too.

I don't remember what I did Thursday.  Does anyone remember what I did Thursday?  I think I cleaned up after the paint night, and then in the afternoon I visited a couple teacher friends and took it kinda easy.  My high school friend then came over for a drink to my place, and caught up on gossip.  It was a nice relaxing day. 

BOOM, Friday!  I had a whirlwind luncheon with a fellow teacher friend on break, during which we visited an amazing patio for a delicious lunch.  On a lark, we decided to go to Yi Soon bakery in Allston.  I absolutely recommend that bakery to everyone.  Additionally, we got out chocolate fix at Kiki's Kwik mart, which carries a range of delicious irish candies.
But wait, it gets better!  That evening I had a great evening at the Comedy Studio in Harvard Square.  All the comedians delivered a great show - even with having to deal with a heckler during the second act.  Once the show concluded, I wound up hanging with all the comedians at this little dive bar they all gather at to unwind.  I felt like Wayne and Garth at the Alice Cooper show.  Very cool; backstage passes.

Saturday was a much needed recovery day.  I was quickly running out of gas on my fun-o-matic machine.  I perservered, and with a chill night hanging with my brother and sister-in-law, I felt reinvigorated for the next, and arguably BEST part of my vacation:

I'll likely need a whole second blog post to debrief on GoT, but I will leave you with at least this much:  The episode was so good, it send me back to 1995.


  1. Ooh paint night sounds fun. I still have all my acrylics and brushes from college. I wish I got a week off in April, but I would be a horrible teacher. Haha

  2. I loved paint night! You're a good teacher.

    1. Why, thank you, you're a wonderful student haha
