Wednesday, March 30, 2016

FINN VS. YODA in the first round?!?!?!

Dude!!  I cannot believe the horrible match up with Finn vs. Yoda in the first round.  I would have loved to see Finn go again Ashoka, or maybe even R2-D2 to see what would happen (well, okay maybe not Artoo....he'd slaughter Finn).

So you may be wondering what the heck I am talking about.  I am talking about the other OTHER March Madness that is way better than NCAA.  Star Wars "This Is Madness" pits two brackets against one another in a FINAL SHOWDOWN between the dark and light!  That's right.  March Madness meets Star Wars.  Geek meets Greek.  It's really the final ultimate showdown.
I came late to the voting, so Finn was already eliminated.  He was eliminated against Yoda, which for a first round, is a heart breaker.  Finn never stood a chance.  Today's light side vote was Obi-Wan vs. R2-D2.  Sorry btchonheels, I voted Obi-Wan.  For the dark side bracket, I voted Darth Vader over Maul.  No contest, why even bother?  It is truly evil-villain laughable to consider Maul over Vader.  Muahahaha.  I can't wait until it has Vader vs. Ren, or Vader vs. Boba Fett.

For the rest of the light side, I can't even attempt to make a prediction.  I mean, Rey rules, but will she get all the loyal OT fans?  As for Yoda, he's definitely got the skills and street cred, but he wasn't one of the Millenium Falcon 'Gang' so he might not pull as many votes as Luke, etc.

Next up, I am kind of shocked that Ashoka beat out BB-8, but against Yoda either would have lost.  Meh, Ashoka needs to go away.  And I say that having never watched the clone wars series, so yeah, I have no basis other than snobbery for that judgement.  BB-8 is better.  Sue me.

Since we're on the topic of BB-8, he isn't a 'light' user, but got into the competition - so why not HAN, who also isn't considered a force user??  Is it because he died?  Well, Yoda is dead, as we all know, and he got in, so being alive can't be a requirement.  So what the dillio?  I'm gonna go call Lucasfilm now on my speed dial and complain.

Then again, maybe they didn't include Han, because they knew he would blow away the competition so badly that it is just laughable.

Oh wait, nevermind.  I just looked harder at the bracket, and Luke beat Han.  Wait, what?  Hold on. WHAT?  DUDE!  Okay.  Serenity now.  Where's my phone.  Someone will pay.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

May the hip be with you...

I went to an orthopedic appointment a few weeks ago.  My mom accompanied me, and sat quietly with me as we waited for the guy to arrive.  When the doctor entered, we said our introductions and la dee dah sort of things.   Then he laid in on the situation.

Point blank, he tells me I'me going to need a hip replacement.  Uh what.  Back the old lady train up.  After a few seconds of panic, I heard him backtrack and explain he only meant down the line when I'm older.  I guess this guy is still after the gold star for bedside manner, because he obviously hasn't earned it yet.  He and I went back and forth about what to do now, physical therapy, resting and footwear.  The appointment turned out okay, but the start was a shock to the system.

I have been diagnosed with hip dysplasia.  I've always had it, apparently.  Only now, after going too hard at my new workout regime, it has surfaced as a problem.  It is a painful, grumpy problem! .  I'm still pretty bummed.  I've done some PT now, and it hurts.  I'm fearful of my future.  I don't really know what to expect.  Will I feel confident running ever again?  Will I be able to wear heels?  Will I always have a limpy walk?  I'm just so annoyed right now by all the unknowns.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Good Doggy

My dog consistently proves to be the smarter one between us.  For about two hours he was bugging me.  Pawing at me, squeaking, whining, the whole nine yards.  I hadn't the faintest why he wanted my attention, since it'd only been an hour or so since I had let him out.
Despite that, I took him out, again, and surprise, surprise, he took a huge dump.  Go figure.  We went back inside and I resumed my netflix binge.  (yay supernatural)  Next up, more whining, pawing and whimpering as I sat back down to continue my Sam and Dean fix.  I couldn't figure out, after taking him outside, what the hell he wanted.  I got up multiple times to find a toy for him, I gave him biscuits, I tried playing with him, everything!!!
Then I remembered that during his first hissy fit I had given him a bone.  I sat back down, and found his bone, lodged under my laptop.  Duh.  That is all he was trying to tell me.  What a good doggy.  As my mom says, "If he only spoke English."