Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Push I Needed

I received a heartfelt message from a parent of a senior.  The eloquence and gratitude brought me to the verge of joyous tears.  I don't really think what I do is extraordinary or amazing, but apparently some believe that to be the case.  Being reminded of that helps me continue through the tough challenges I face.

Also, about three months ago, another ex-student returned to say hello.  They were doing great at UMass Amherst (my alma mater!) and wanted to let me know.  It was a fantastic visit, and I was so proud to see them succeeding.  They had gone through a lot in the past, but now flourishing.

Lastly, I received yet ANOTHER email from a different ex-student, also at UMass.  They wanted to thank me for leading them to environmental science as a career.  Additionally, they were looking forward to their summer research internship during which they would have the opportunity to conduct their own original research!  This person is going far in life, and I helped their first steps on that path.

While I still don't think I do anything overly extraordinary, I do admit that it has its own charm and importance. Teaching is what I was placed on this planet to do.  OH....and one last thing:  I JUST GOT MY PROFESSIONAL LICENSE, WHADDUP!!!!?

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