Thursday, July 23, 2015

Moving, twice? Bad idea. Lots of bad ideas.

So, yeah....right.....I had a great idea of moving into my mother's place for a couple months to get free rent and then moving into my new apartment.  ...It was kind of a bad idea.

What really ended up happening was over a month and a half I just moved about a car load a day and ended up busting my hip.  I'm an old lady at 32. (let's not get into the fact that I've also been accidentally telling people my dog is three years old when he's actually four.)

This all coincided with joining a gym. Woop dee doo you may think, but to me this is no ordinary gym.  I pay a whopping 150 a month. That is a lot of money that I can put forward to Taco Tuesday.  The cherry on top is that I had to pull back for 3 weeks until I could attend my gym class and as my hip healed. It's kind of a blow to my ego (and wallet) but on the other hand it's an easy excuse not to work out.

To get myself back on track I had the bright idea of joining their fitness challenge for 6 weeks. I will have to check back in on that in another post because I'm still trying to process the whole deal as if I signed away my soul to the devil.

Anyways, I guess now I'm moved in and it's a little weird.  I'm trying to settle in and enjoy my time. I just kind of wish things would slow up though. At least tonight I had some return to normalcy thanks to some great friends who came over for the first Taco Tuesday ever in my new place.

Here's to the end of silly choices that complicate my life.

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