Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"I'm heating up the wax." -Actually a good thing.

My sister posted recently that she was cranking up her ol' hand wax dipper thingamajigger.  I think its a paraffin treatment if you want to really get technical, but whatever you want to call it, just make sure you call it AWESOME.
You see, after four hours of heating, the wax inside one of these heated tubs becomes all liquidy and warm.  It is kind of similar to the warm liquid goo phase in Austin Powers, minus the naked dude and elimination.  (elimination com... com... comp... complete.)
Next, you dip your entire hand in and pull it out, completely coated in paraffin.  Repeat that, waiting between dips, until you basically have a creepy wax glove.  I snapped a photo of my friend with her paraffin hands, incase you don't get the picture.
I got a little carried away with the 'stickers' option on my phone, thinking I could make her look like a mad scientist.  I failed.
After you strip it off, your hands are soft and smooth inside.  I don't know how much it really helps my hands, but it feels good and the whole activity shouts novelty.  The only drawback, is you tend to creep out the neighbors.  Beware idle hands, and I'm not talking about Devon Sawa here, may he rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. I love paraffin wax treatments! I used to have a kit, but the heater broke. Don't feel bad, I use the stickers option on my phone all the time, especially to shame people that invade my personal space at bars
