Friday, December 4, 2015

Say Crack Again

I busted my neck.  I think it happened because I have been having trouble sleeping.  I find myself at 1:45AM waking up sweating to death after going to bed really cold.  The same happened last night and I fell back asleep after changing clothes.  However, in the morning when I was waking up, I was also sweating and gross but my neck was really sore.  I moved it around, and that usually results in a popping sound and a release.  That was a bad, bad idea, though.  It cracked, but in a bad way.
I now have jolts of pain through the right side of my neck to the point where I can't rotate my neck or head much. Tilting my head up or down also produces pain.  This has happened before a few times.  I had my doctor take X-ray's my neck and shoulders a few years back, but that shower nothing.  They gave me some movements to practice and I never followed them, so my bad there.

The thing is, I am convinced this is stress related.  I, like so many others, hold ALL my stress in my shoulders and neck.  While having a student teacher and working out consistently has helped reduce my workload and stay fit, I'm concerned I have back and joint issues that are making my neck return to its horrible state.  It didn't help that I had things to do every day after work this week.  Case in point; my after school meetings were really long yesterday AND I got a flood of texts when I got out of work which snapped my body into instant chaos mode.  Ugh.

So....what do I do?  Stop working out?  Are me works outs going too hard on my joints?  Is this actually maybe a problem with my feet and alignment?  Do I need to stretch more?  Am I not meant to do high intensity interval training?  Is it too high impact?  Are my cracking habits really the culprit?  Is it only my stress?  Is it dehydration?  WHAT IS IT?

How do I get all these questions answered??  It is driving me bananas!  We should just all totally stab caesar.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. That sounds fun. Take it easy at the gym for a little bit and maybe do some more yoga once you're feeling better? I'm having what I think might be sciatic nerve pain. OMG we are getting old.
