Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Luck Wa or Mygen Inc.

I was out to dinner with my friend Ginny a few weeks back, and we reminisced about an old Chinese food restaurant that was well known in our area.  It was called Hoy Hing.  This place was the ultimate late night food destination.  They were open late, their food was cheap and greasy, and they would always take your order even if it really was pushing it after closing time.  They would just take you into the side hallway of the kitchen and have you wait while your food was made in front of you.  
Thinking back, I'm not sure what was worse, having to eagerly wait while you're tempted with all the delicious smells and orders flying out to other customers, or the morning after when you realized what you'd eaten by looking at all the half empty containers strewn about your apartment like a Chinese food zombie apocalypse. Either way you feel like Carl after the pudding.  Yikes.
Anyway, the point of this story is that I actually still have their phone number in my contacts list!  I pulled it up and couldn't believe it still existed.  Ginny was amazed too, and couldn't help but laugh because her late night Chinese food place didn't even have a number!  Her go-to NOMS was from Lucky Wa, who for some reason wasn't listed in 411.  (Yes, this was back when we didn't 'google' something, we called information at 411)  She would call 411, and ask for Lucky Wa, only the operator would say the address showed as 'MyGen Incorporated'
Sure enough, when connected she would always be greeted by "Lucky Wa, may I take your order?!"  Curious.  Maybe we should do away with google.  It's more fun that way.

Monday, November 23, 2015

School clocks don't obey physics.

We're all so familiar with the age old situation where a clock seems to move so slow that you feel it's moving backwards.  Is true, all of it, and it's true moreso for school clocks.  I don't know if the clock on my classroom wall could move any slower.   Virtually impossible.  Send an A team after me if I don't show up for thanksgiving on Thursday.  I'll be stuck in school still waiting for the Monday release bell.
Ugh.  I want to go home.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Red Solo Cup!

It seems the red solo cup is blowing up lately!  My sister, for instance, recently sent me a link to the Han Solo Cup that you can purchase for $5.99.  The whole thing has thicker plastic and a neat little Han Solo sitting right there trying to shoot some storm troopers.  Not too bad, but I am still not paying six bucks.
Having dug a little deeper after exploring etsy, I found this awesome version of a Han Solo and the Wookie Cookie by Philip Tseng:
I give major props to anyone that does a smashup.  They're great because they stimulate my imagination into creating my own mashup ideas for cosplay or conventions.  Or just for my own giggles in my head.  Whatever works.  Arguably my favorite wookie cookie smashup was by a friend of a friend.  I got the t shirt on woot.com, and I have gotten many compliments when worn.

But alas my favorite is my own little Han Solo in a Cup. I sing to him the red solo cup song, but change the words to brown solo pup.  Yes, I am that bizarre.  His little lamb legs are fantastic.  Who made this for me, anyway?  I definitely didn't make this picture.  Someone texted this to me.  Who????
Look, Ma!  I added pictures!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chicken broccoli ziti Alfredo

I haven't had chicken broccoli ziti Alfredo in so long! I'm making it tonight and I'm buzzing with excitement.  However, the one thing that bothers me about it is how awkward its name sounds.  We even had a talk about it today in class and kids got the wrong order but then my student teacher correct them them because she works in a restaurant.   So, officially it is "chicken broccoli ziti" but you can say chicken broccoli ziti Alfredo, too.  I still say it's really really really awkward and I think we should change it to Chickazitoccoli. 
Everyone is welcome to come join me tonight, and enjoy some delicious chickazitoccoli.  But only if you say it right!

Monday, November 2, 2015

What a night for a fight!

Success for Halloween!  I've never had a party, and this year I decorated and prepped all week.  The day came and the mystical powers aligned the planets for the most epic time I've had on Halloween.

  We watched army of darkness, which was where my costume came from.  I went as Ash, boomstick, chainsaw hand and all!  During one of the scenes, I tried to act it out, and I'm not sure if it was more entertaining for me or my friends.

After that we played pin the smile on the skeleton.  I was a little apprehensive spinning folks, but it worked!  Before we knew it, it was time for the costume contest.   We had scariest, funniest, best couple, participation, most original and best overall.

The voters might have swayed the vote because I was the host, but I won best overall.  Who am I to go against democracy?

Anyways, good times, good food/drink, and great people!  Thanks to all!