Okay, to update you all, I have been taking my iron supplements and keeping up with B12 sublingual spray doses. Who knows if the stuff actually works in the physiological sense, because I feel better, at least. The placebo effect has power, indeed! I was reading that caffeine can alter your ability to absorb iron and impacts B12 levels, too, so I tried switching away from coffee in the morning.

I don't drink the average level that some Americans drink, which is about a gajillion gallons each day. I normally drink my one 8-10oz serving in my travel mug. Often I don't even finish it by the time I arrive to work so it sits and gets cold in my car until I dump it out that evening. Therefore, I've concluded that I don't take in copious amounts of caffeine. That being said, I've tried to reduce it even further this week and couple that reduction with hydration.
Verdict? So far I am feeling better than before, with little to no withdrawal symptoms. I'm helping allay that potential crap-storm by simply reducing, not eliminating caffeine altogether. That, I understand, helps reduce your symptoms. Eventually, maybe I can cut out daily caffeine, but seeing that it isn't a huge impact on my life, I know I won't totally cut it out completely. I love coffee, especially a specialty one on the weekend as a treat while doing errands or the like.
Or, coffee ice cream. YUM. I had some delicious coffee ice cream this summer, as shown in my little cute picture here.