Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Electric parade

Howdy folks!  My leg is electric.  Or, rather, it seems to have developed an electric shock ability.  When I would take a step my leg would get a shooting pain and give out underneath my weight.  This went on for about two weeks and then dissipated.  

I paraded around for the next week or two with the fear of my leg pulling an episode 6.  That fear was legitimate, because the pain returned.  Silly Jedi.  Now it is focused entirely in the bend at my hip.  I always seem to want to pull my leg off like a Barbie doll, and then jam it back into the right place.  It just doesn't feel right and I can't shake it off like swift.  

I've seen my doctor and have been told to avoid some of the types of movements that I'm doing at my new gym.  On top of that, I'm icing my hip three times a day.  I hope it goes away.

Want some icing on that cake?  I also electrocuted myself a little last week at my parents basement.  I reached up to twist a fixture my mom had claimed didn't work and ZAP.  That stung for a few minutes.  

All this is also going on during moving.  I moved a majority of my things all by myself and it has me broken and gnarled.  I feel like an old battered tree; bent, knotted and ready to snap.  Ugh.

Boy, I'm beaten up.


  1. Isn't that an old joke? "Doctor, it hurts when I do *this*." "Then don't do *that*."

  2. I didn't know you blog! I do as well, hooray! :)
