Disclaimer: before anyone reads further I want to fully acknowledge that this post is about social media use, and I realize that I am using social media as a platform to criticize it in the first place. The irony has not escaped me.
Now for the good stuff. All irony aside, I wanted to relate a interesting video is stumbled along this morning while downing my coffee. It featured a father ranting about how his son embarrasses him at school. The father was going to teach his son a lesson by shaving his head and sending him to school that way, as a shaming technique for discipline. As quickly as he snaps on the shears and the low steady buzzing starts it is over a done with! He promptly stops and excuses his son from the video, lovingly telling him to go play. He explains that he was never use social media to shame his son and goes on to articulate why and how he has seen the platform for its use of shaming so often.
What resonated with me was the shaming aspect. I was at Arisia this weekend and while there I was very keen on attending the slut shaming panel. However, I was hanging with some really rad folks I had met at the lobby bar and thought I was having so much fun with them that I stayed. I am remiss that I didn't get to enjoy the panel. However, I always feel it is better to interact with people actively than passively sitting in on panels at a convention. Indeed, it is always they people I meet at these events that make them memorable.
Anyway, getting back to my point. We have social media today and it is powerful. I worry that the power it offers people is not taken seriously and without thought. I hope you all out there reading this consider that in the future. I'm don't want to tell folks how to live their online life, but I can only say that I want to be more conscious of my choices in this realm. To quote the great Dr. Ian Malcolm; "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should." What up, Jeff Goldblum. You called it, way back in the 90's.
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