Normally I can rely on good ol' GoT to assemble my team and wine up for a romping time through Westeros on a Sunday. However, with the long wait I've had to take up another Sunday night show; The Walking Dead.
It comes out October 23rd, at 9PM and I can't wait! I've been catching up, even though I sort of know what happens up to the nagging Negan scene. I hope they kill coral, but I don't really care as long as it isn't Daryl. He's the best. I've been reading up a storm with the comics, too, and I really enjoy them for the extra insights.
I just watched the Eastman episode - one of my favorites by far because of its inspirational nature. You know what will ultimately happen, and it doesn't veer into the sugar-sweet side of things as you may suspect. It stays dark but gives a hint of light and hope. I enjoyed that style for a change in the Walking Dead.
I will just keep waiting, and fend off my blues like a zombie after a goat until more episodes arrive in October.
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