I'm so happy to have celebrated my little dog's fifth birthday! I snuggled with him last Monday morning before work and he had no idea why he was getting so much attention. He didn't seem to care or want the attention because he was still half-asleep. I left him snoozing on the couch, and he had no idea what is in store for him that day.
I planned on getting some ground burger and making him a little special doggy dinner. It was totally dorky but I don't care. I also had high hopes of even bring him to petco for a new toy. He is such a spoiled little pooch! Alas, I didn't make it to Petco because I had to go to the post office to mail some documents instead. Once I got done with that, I was pretty much ready to be in for the night. I cooked up the ground beef, rice and veggies for the little man and he gobbled it up like a good little birthday boy. As my friend says, 'sutchagooddog!'
In other news, I missed Anime Boston that weekend, which kind of bums me out. I like to attend con's but when you don't have anyone to go with, it kinda dampens the fun. I, therefore, didn't bother to go this time around. I'll just wait until Boston Comiccon this summer. And, of course, STAR WARS CELEBRATION in London! That is really my go-to convention. I've been going almost ten years, now. It's more fun than winning a game of sabacc.
Now that I mention it, I should actually learn how to play sabacc.
Happy birthday solo pup!